Eggplant Little Fingers Organic Seed
68 days from transplant. This is the best open pollinated oriental eggplant available. Little Fingers eggplant seeds produce long and thin eggplants with glossy dark purple skin. You will see heavy yields of nearly straight fruits that are 4 – 5” long by 1 – 2” wide, set in clusters of 3 – 6. The creamy white interior offers a smooth taste and few seeds. Tender, thin skins do not require peeling or salting before cooking. Grill whole.
This compact plant is a great variety for growing in containers and pots. Little Fingers eggplant seeds should be planted indoors eight to ten weeks before the last frost date. The plant grows well in full sun and well-drained soil. Little Fingers eggplant seeds take about 68 days to mature. The fruit may be harvested when the plant is young and eggplants are finger-sized, but it can be allowed to grow larger without compromising on the taste. Picking the eggplants regularly encourages the growth of more fruit.